Wednesday, May 7, 2008

This Game Sucks

This game is awful, not too much going on.
So lets dabble in some politics.
Sen. Clinton, you are the junior senator from my state but I don't support you. I know your trying to win the nomination. Sure you've gotten almost half of the Democratic votes this primary season. But what are you really doing?
Are you trying to win at all costs to the party? I think so. Sen. Obama has more than proven that he is not the average politician. He seems to be a genuine person. He gave his friend (Rev. Wright) a chance to atone for his wild remarks then when the man he called a friend called him just another politician he told him to go to hell. He didn't throw him under the bus like Wright did to Obama.
Sen. Clinton are you serious about your image you've changed so many times this year I'm starting to believe that you are a regular women that isn't elite.
Who are you kidding. You are a Yale law grad. I'm pretty sure that puts you in elite company and you have elitist views. Obama is elitist too. So are Bush and McCain.
Why is it so bad to have an elitist president. Don't we want to have our president more knowledgeable than average citizens? I know the basics but that's it.
Sen. Clinton please drop out and unify this party before it's too late. McCain is not the McCain of 2000 who we all loved.
Obama in 2008.

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